Free Agent Digital

Road Map

Website Launch


Making our services avalaible to everyone through our web 3.0 website.

First NFT Project

2022(Q1) View On OpenSea

Deploying our very first NFT collection that users can MINT and trade on opensea.

Collaboration Anouncment

2022(Late Q1)

Anouncment of our big upcoming collaborations.

More in future

free agent digital

current drop

Contact Us



Los Angeles, CA

© 2022 FAD

About Us

free agent digital is a web 3.0 company that brings blockchain technology to help you + our clients capitalize on the rewards of decentralized autonomous organizations (daos). we build custom nft platforms to help transform organization + revolutionize industries.

we do it because we believe nfts are more than a fad + help organizations memorialize + promote their valuable digital assets that go beyond avatars + jpegs. our team includes the most talented + passionate blockchain developers who create solutions for all blockchains including ethereum, solana, polygon, cardano, bcs + more.

our community can participate in our nft drops by purchasing our exclusive nfts or by minting a customized NFT with their own message or design. at the same time, we design, promote + launch NFT drops for companies, brands + organizations to open new revenue streams, memorialize digital assets + build a more engaged community of followers.

our users can participate in our NFT drops by either minting our exclusive NFTs or by minting a customized NFT of their own choice.