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free agent digital

we build custom nft platforms that transform organizations + revolutionize industries

promoting exclusive digital assets
+ taking nfts beyond avatars & jpegs

free agent digital

we build custom nft platforms that transform organizations + revolutionize industries

promoting exclusive digital assets
+ taking nfts beyond avatars & jpegs

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About Us

free agent digital is a web 3.0 company that brings blockchain technology to help you + our clients capitalize on the rewards of decentralized autonomous organizations (daos). we build custom nft platforms to help transform organization + revolutionize industries.

we do it because we believe nfts are more than a fad + help organizations memorialize + promote their valuable digital assets that go beyond avatars + jpegs. our team includes the most talented + passionate blockchain developers who create solutions for all blockchains including ethereum, solana, polygon, cardano, bcs + more.

our community can participate in our nft drops by purchasing our exclusive nfts or by minting a customized NFT with their own message or design. at the same time, we design, promote + launch NFT drops for companies, brands + organizations to open new revenue streams, memorialize digital assets + build a more engaged community of followers.

our users can participate in our NFT drops by either minting our exclusive NFTs or by minting a customized NFT of their own choice.


A limited NFT collection. All the funds raised through this NFT collection will be donated to support Ukrainians suffering from Russian invasion.